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Embrace the Chill: Boosting Cardio Fitness with mPole’s Run Club Class

April 9, 2024

As the temperature drops and the air becomes crisp, it’s tempting to retreat indoors and hibernate until the warmth of spring beckons us back outside. However, at mPole’s Run Club, we’re here to challenge that notion and invite you to embrace the cooler months as an opportunity to enhance your cardio fitness and reignite your love for running.

Why Run in the Cold?

Running in cooler temperatures offers a multitude of benefits that can supercharge your fitness journey:

  1. Increased Calorie Burn: Your body works harder to maintain its core temperature in the cold, resulting in more calories burned during your run.
  2. Improved Endurance: Cooler weather reduces the risk of overheating, allowing you to push yourself further and build endurance more effectively.
  3. Enhanced Mental Toughness: Conquering the elements builds mental resilience, preparing you to tackle challenges on and off the running path.
  4. Opportunity for Fresh Air: After spending hours indoors during the colder months, running outside provides a much-needed dose of fresh air and vitamin D.

mPole’s Run Club Class: Your Ticket to Winter Fitness

Our Run Club Class at mPole is the perfect antidote to winter lethargy, offering a dynamic and engaging way to boost your cardio fitness while enjoying the season’s beauty. Here’s what you can expect from our winter-friendly program:

  1. Structured Training Sessions: Led by experienced coaches, our Run Club Class features structured training sessions designed to improve your cardiovascular endurance.
  2. Warm-up and Cool-down Techniques: We prioritize injury prevention by incorporating thorough warm-up and cool-down routines into each session. These techniques prepare your body for the demands of running and aid in recovery post-run.
  3. Interval Training: Our program includes interval training sessions that alternate between high-intensity running and active recovery periods. This proven method boosts calorie burn, improves aerobic capacity, and enhances overall fitness.
  4. Scenic Routes: Exploring picturesque trails and scenic routes adds an element of adventure to our Run Club Class. From frost-covered landscapes to watching the sun rise, each run offers a unique and invigorating experience.
  5. Community Support: At mPole, fitness is more fun when shared with others. Our Run Club Class fosters a supportive and inclusive community where participants encourage and motivate each other to reach their goals.

Tips for Winter Running Success

To make the most of your winter running experience, here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  1. Dress in Layers: Dressing in layers allows you to adjust your clothing as your body temperature fluctuates throughout your run.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Hydration is just as important in cold weather as it is in the heat. Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after your run.
  3. Protect Your Extremities: Keep your hands, feet, and ears warm with gloves, socks, and a hat or headband to prevent frostbite.
  4. Choose the Right Footwear: Opt for running shoes with good traction to safely navigate icy or slippery surfaces.
  5. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during your run and adjust your pace or distance accordingly. It’s essential to prioritize safety and avoid overexertion.

Join Us on the Winter Running Adventure

Don’t let the cooler months derail your fitness goals. Embrace the chill and join us at mPole’s Run Club Class for an exhilarating journey towards improved cardio fitness and a newfound appreciation for winter running. Together, we’ll conquer the cold, one stride at a time.

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Mornings at 6am – Largs, NSW

Want to Try A Lap Dancing Class or Workshop

August 27, 2023

Participating in a lap dancing class can be a unique and empowering experience for those interested in exploring their sensual side, gaining confidence, or simply trying something new. If you’re considering attending a lap dancing class, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Research: Look for reputable dance studios or fitness centers that offer lap dancing classes, such as us mPole Studios. Read reviews, check their website, and ensure they have experienced instructors who prioritize safety and comfort.
  2. Comfort Zone: Make sure you’re comfortable with the idea of the class before you attend. Lap dancing classes often involve sensual movements and interactions, so knowing your boundaries and feeling at ease is essential.
  3. Dress Code: Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. Some classes might have specific dress codes, such as workout attire or dance shoes, so check with the studio beforehand.
  4. Open Mindset: Approach the class with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Lap dancing classes are often designed to boost confidence and self-expression, so embrace the experience without judgment.
  5. Respectful Environment: Reputable lap dancing classes create a safe and respectful environment for participants. Instructors should prioritize consent, respect personal boundaries, and ensure everyone feels comfortable throughout the course.
  6. Instructor Guidance: The instructors will likely guide you through sensual dance movements and techniques. Pay attention to their instructions and demonstrations, and don’t hesitate to ask questions if you need clarification.
  7. Physical Activity: Lap dancing can be physically demanding, requiring strength, flexibility, and coordination. Be prepared for a workout that engages various muscle groups.
  8. Social Aspect: Lap dancing classes can also be a fun social activity. Connecting with others, exploring their sensual sides and gaining confidence in a supportive environment is enjoyable.
  9. Confidence Boost: One of the critical benefits of lap dancing classes is the boost in self-confidence and body positivity that participants often experience. Embrace the opportunity to feel empowered and embrace your sensuality.
  10. Consent and Boundaries: While lap dancing classes involve sensual movements, it’s important to remember that everyone has different comfort levels. Always communicate your boundaries and respect the boundaries of others.
  11. Takeaways: Beyond the dance moves, lap dancing classes can teach you about body awareness, self-assurance, and embracing your uniqueness.

Remember that the goal of a lap dancing class is to have fun, learn something new, and enjoy the experience. If you’re intrigued by the idea, research, choose a reputable course, and approach it with an open mind.

mPole Runs Lap Dancing once-off monthly Workshops and Mini Striptease/Lap Dancing Courses every 4 weeks.

Be sure to check out our Workshop Timetable here

Work On You, For You

July 4, 2023

Working on oneself involves self-reflection, setting goals, and taking action to improve various aspects of your life. Here are a few general steps you can take:

  1. Self-reflection: Take time to introspect and identify areas of your life that you want to improve. It could be your physical health, mental well-being, relationships, career, or personal skills.
  2. Set goals: Once you have identified the areas you want to work on, set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, if you want to improve your physical health, a SMART goal could be to exercise for 30 minutes five days a week for the next three months.
  3. Create a plan: Break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps. Create a plan outlining what you need to do to achieve each goal. This plan could include activities, resources, and deadlines.
  4. Take action: Start implementing your plan and take consistent action towards your goals. Staying motivated and disciplined is essential, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.
  5. Seek knowledge and skills: Identify resources to help you acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for personal growth. This could include books, courses, workshops, mentors, or online platforms.
  6. Practice self-care: Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Prioritize activities that help you relax, recharge, and maintain a healthy balance in your life. This can include exercise, meditation, spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, or engaging in activities that bring you joy.
  7. Evaluate and adjust: Regularly assess your progress towards your goals and adjust as needed. Celebrate your successes and learn from any failures or obstacles you encounter.

Remember, personal growth is a lifelong journey, and being patient and kind to yourself is essential. Focus on continuous improvement and embrace the process of self-discovery.

Turning Up the heat!

April 6, 2022

As the weather starts to cool, we thought it might be an idea to keep the heat turned up in the studio & released some super sexy Mini Term Courses.

New Mini Term Courses – starting from Friday 22nd April 2022, Sexy Static at Newcastle, Burlesque & Striptease at Maitland

Newcastle Studio –

Sexy Static Friday Nights at 6.30 pm

Sexy Static, aimed at the beginner student, you will be learning a sexy static routine from start to finish throughout three lessons. No stress if you have done heaps of static/pole before and feel like this won’t challenge you. LaBella, your instructor, will be including some lovely floor combinations that will challenge the most experienced poler. But beginner ladies, you will have options on modifications to suit where your at.

Still unsure what this class will be like, think mPole-Ography but on static, a little more challenging with three lessons to learn it. So you will get a bit more time to enjoy the routine.

COURSE STARTS: Friday 22nd April @ 6.30 pm
RUNS Friday 22nd, 29th April & 6th May
WHERE: Newcastle Studio
COSTS: $60 for members & $120 for non members
Limited Places, so book early

Maitland Studio –
Burlesque Friday Nights at 6.00 pm
Striptease Friday Nights at 7.00 pm

Maitland Studio is heating things up, with 2 x Sexy Mini Terms, Burlesque at 6.00 pm & Striptease at 7.00 pm.

Burlesque is aimed at the student who loves to dance or wants to learn to dance, as you will step your way through a gorgeous Burlesque routine from start to finish over your three-week term. Slow and sexy with some artful clothing removal that will leave you wanting more.

Non-Pole routine, barefoot or small heels (something you can move about without a pole), further clothing requirements will be released soon.

COURSE STARTS: Friday 22nd April @ 6.00 pm
RUNS Friday 22nd, 29th April & 6th May
WHERE: Maitland Studio
COSTS: $60 for members & $120 for non members
Limited Bookings

Striptease is again aimed at students who loves to dance or wants to learn, you will be learning a striptease routine from start to finish throughout three lessons, and we will need all three classes to feel comfortable with this style of dance.

Again a non-pole routine, barefoot or small heels (something you can move about without a pole), further clothing requirements will be released soon.

COURSE STARTS: Friday 22nd April @ 7.00 pm
RUNS Friday 22nd, 29th April & 6th May
WHERE: Maitland Studio
COSTS: $60 for members & $120 for non members
Limited Bookings

Unsure of the difference between Burlesque and Striptease, this is a perfect opportunity to feel the difference, but your instructor Leeanne said
“Burlesque is more artful, with clothing removal being optional & deliberate, whereas Striptease, your clothes are coming off regardless, is generally a more casual style of clothing removal.”

2021 NSW Pole Sports Championships

February 21, 2022

Saturday the 19th February 2022 saw some of our mPole ladies hit the stage at the postponed (due to covid) 2021 NSW Pole Sports Championships. Held at Beach Fit Dance Studio, Mayfield East

Nice local comp, and we had a few of our students and partners come along and support this small restricted event.

We had
Cyclone competing in Amateur Advanced


La Bella and Leeanne are competing in Open, the first time these ladies have competed against each other.

Left to Right: Leeanne & LaBella

It was a great, relaxed backstage stage environment, and we were all set to compete in the second half of the comp. So we took our time warming up, stretched and ate, catching up with other polers who we hadn’t seen in forever and making new friends.

Before we all knew it, it was our turn to compete Leeanne up first with a country contemporary number performing in a silver sparkly outfit.
Straight after was La Bella performing to Take Me To Church by Hozier in blue velvet and white motif outfit.

Then we waited a little bit for Cyclones chance to perform, as she was last on the run sheet. We didn’t have to wait long; she took the stage in a sparkly black cut out bodysuit, dancing to Shake It Out by Florence + The Machines.

And just like that, it was all over, and it was time for announcements.

All our girls taking home trophies

Cyclone 2nd in Advanced Amateur

Labella 2nd in Open
Leeanne 1st in Open

Left to Right La Bella 2nd Open, Leeanne 1st Open & Cyclone 2nd Advanced Amateur

So proud of our girls, taking the stage and doing what they love. The titles are just the icing on the cake.

Congratulations to all the competitors and Organisers of the NSW Pole Sports Championships for a great night and event, and we look forward to being there for the next one.

2021 NSW Pole Sport Championship Competitors

Written be Leeanne Taylor

New Striptease Mini Course

October 20, 2021

– 27th October 2021

We are so excited to release the first-ever Striptease / Lap Dancing Mini-Course with Leeanne Taylor.

Striptease Course with Leeanne Taylor

With current covid restrictions, we decided it best to deliver this course via 4 x 1-hour video tutorials. Your first video on the 27th of October, then each following video, will be released the next week on a Wednesday. Plus a bonus video or two along the way, with helpful tips and ideas for training & performing your routine.

Each Lesson
35 – 45minutes of Warm-Up Conditioning
25 – 15minutes of Routine Work

Each video will contain a 35 – 45 minute Conditioning Warm Up that will help you get in the right frame of movement, condition the body to the demands of the routine you will be learning and increase strength, flexibility and general fitness.
Following this, you will have a choreography breakdown. Each new section of the routine will be broken down 3 x times, with different ques and marks to help you learn the routine, followed by 3 x times run-throughs with the music before moving on. (but being video to can stop and replay as many times as you like).

You can also do the lesson as many times as you like, revisit it often throughout the week before doing the following video. Highly recommend doing the video lesson as least once before doing the following video.

You will have lifetime access to the videos so that you can revisit them often and as many times as you like.

Over the four weeks, you will learn a whole striptease to a single song.
In this course, you will be dancing to “Are You Ready?” Kat Meoz

What you will need to train this routine at home

For Conditioning

Yoga Mat
Comfortable training clothes
Sweat towel

For Routine Work
A Chair
Knee Pads
Heels (similar to what you might like to perform this in)

For Performance (for someone special) – Optional you will not be required to perform for your instructor or someone special
A strong chair to support both your body weight and your someone special
Leotard/Body Suit – with the back of the neck opening and will slide over hips
Optional Knee High Boots with a small heel

All this for just $100

Keen to get your strip tease on, sign up now

9-9-21 Abs n Butt

September 17, 2021

Quick Abs and Butt Strength Workout,

Got 30 minutes?, than you can squeeze in this little workout with Mel, developing a strong core with greatly benefit your Pole Dancing, and active life

To compete or not to compete?

August 2, 2021

As we get to the last of the Post Miss mPole Stuff, yes post comp, is as full-on as pre-comp for the organisers, are at least for me, as we do a lot of the video and photo production in house, on top of running our studio and teaching class full time. So here I am, nearly three weeks post comp, still with a to-do list. Video & photo editing takes time.

The countless hours of Photo editing has me thinking about performances and competing and the cost involved (A whole other blog which I will do later ), but I wanted to address the “compete” or “not to compete” statement. Leading into Miss mPole, I had a couple of students who wished to perform rather than compete; they wanted to share what they were working on but not be judged on it.

I understand this a lot as someone who has been in the Pole Dancing Industry a very long time. As someone who isn’t cool, new, super bendy or gravity defining strength tricks orientated, I struggle to compete in any competitions offered for someone with my level of experience or position. In over 15 years, I have only been accepted into a Semi-pro comp as a solo pole performer once. I am confident it was due to low entries in a new comp &, therefore, not based on my skills & that comp never made it to the stage due to COVID. That could come as a surprising fact for some of you, but competing at any level is challenging. It’s a laborious process to get from the entry stage to perform for so many comps running now.

We aim for Miss mPole to be as easy as possible, and we try to make the judging part as easy on our competitors as possible. But it’s still a competition and preparation for other comps.

But if you were given a choice to do a showcase rather than a competition, would you do it or even want to do it?

Would we push ourselves to the challenge of a comp piece for a showcase? Even if we aren’t in it to win it, we subconsciously push just that little bit harder for competition than for a showcase. We dare ourselves to try something a bit harder for competition rather than stick to what moves and skills we are comfortable with for a showcase.

You feel a rush of adrenaline, a high from performing a competition piece, where you have pushed/challenged yourself. And performing a showcase piece doesn’t have the same effect. It’s human nature to want to be moved and questioned, even if it’s just a little bit.

In over 15 years of being in the Pole Dancing industry, I have been to many Pole Dancing Competitions. But only two Pole Dancing Showcases – Pole Reflections, which was part of a travelling tour for workshops with internationally Pole Artists and Dance for a Difference put together by Chilli Rox for Australian Bush Fire Relief not that long ago.

The energy is different; the shows were varied & I think that the industry as a whole feels the same way. But feel free to tell me different.

Written by Leeanne Taylor

5 Tips to help you Pole Dance through Winter

July 19, 2021

It’s hard to stay motivated for any sport during winter as the days get shorter and colder, but Pole Dancers have the real challenge in doing a sport that requires you to be bearly dressed to provide grip, and our grip comes from that dewy, warmed up skin, rather than cold and dry skin.

But here are some tips and tricks to keeping you poling during winter

  • Invest in warm training clothes, something you can keep on, but move in. Our instructors like tights, track pants, hoodies, cropped jackets, leg warmers/long socks, things that you can quickly take off to try moves that require that amount of skin and then put it back on.
  • Think about Classes that aren’t typically your jam but will warm you up for your other classes, or doing types that don’t require leg grip, like mPole-Ography, Pole – Low Flow, Floor Flow & Stretch (these classes are offered online, with a link to access up to 7 days after). These classes are a great way to warm your body up before attempting your Pole Class or adding them to your regular classes, as they are significant fitness fixes when you mightn’t be as active in your regular class. Classes such as Pole TLC & TUF also have elements where you will be able to leave your clothes on for a good portion of the outline, allowing the body to warm up before getting into the pole stuff.
  • Think about your grip choices. What grip you usually use in summer, when your skin is too warm/sweaty, isn’t going to be your grip in winter when your skin is barely warm at all. Be sure to talk to your instructor about what you’re using, ask them what they think you should be using, or purchase a sample pack of grips and try them all before committing to something.
  • Grippy pants, while these are great, need to be mindful they are pants that will glue you to the pole. You won’t be sliding in them at all. (Not a great choice for wear to Flow Floor, Stretch, Pole – Low Flow or mPole-ography), but they are an excellent option for those finding no grip in winter & keeping you warm; fit is super tight and needs to be for the skin like grip, so getting into them is fun and will warm you up.
  • Another critical but often overlooked fact to sticking to the pole in winter is healthy skin. You will need to ramp up moisturising your skin in winter as it dries out quickly or seems to. Try moisturising at night after your shower or first thing in the morning with non-greasy moisturising cream. Or plan your week and moisturise on days/nights you arent at class. Your instructor poles nearly every day, so ask them when and how often they moisturise & what they are using.

I hope these help you out to keep spinning this winter.

Miss mPole 2021

July 9, 2021

Wow, what a night! As I know, most of you could not attend if you wanted to due to COVID. But it was an entertaining night, even if it was to see me fumble over the task of MCeeing and performing.

But our brave & talented pole students took to the stage with performances they had created, and it was beautiful, inspiring and delightful to be a part of the process.

The Miss mPole Stage is a home stage, competition for mPole Clients by mPole Instructors. This comp provided a performance opportunity for our clients to perform when it was not available to our clients back in 2012. While we haven’t run every year since then, some in our control, some not, it was enriching to see about this year, despite COVIDS best efforts.

And the team at mPole look forward to planning 2022’s event, but until then, let’s talk about Miss mPole 2021.

We opened with a Feature Performance by the mPole Mums, Melissa McKowen, myself (Leeanne Taylor) & Lauren Eccleston. New, Old and Past Instructors who have and will continue to shape our students into the confident women we know they can be both at Pole but in the real world. While our performance didn’t go to plan, it was fun to be up on stage, dressed up, doing something we love.

Following this was our most significant Category, Beginners, in Order of Performance.

1. Alana- in a gorgeous white flowing costume, dancing to Open by Rhye

2. Peach – performing in a black mesh Bodysuit with a black & white Tartan Skirt

3. Katalina – performing in Black Wet look bodysuit with Black Patent Leather Ankle Boots with Red chrome platforms, match her red highlights in her hair.

4. Miss Lyn – Black and Silver holographic Bodysuit and Black patent Leather Ankle Boots

5. Madie – the most outstanding costume on the night. A Yellow Bodysuit creation with Black Platform Heels all featuring Bones and skulls.

6. Niki – performing in a shiny red bodysuit with matching drop-down suspender straps & Red patent leather ankle boots

We close this section with a Feature Pole Performance by our Instructor & Judge Milly Rose (7).

A Demonstration Performance followed this on mPole’s Newest Specialty Pole Lollipop’s by Myself (Leeanne Taylor) (8). Bring us into Intermission so that audience members could take a breath of fresh air.

We opened the 2nd half with another Specialty Performance on Pole – Ribbons with Miss Toni, mPole Instructor (9) and Judge.

Bringing us to the Intermediate Section of Miss mPole 2021
10. Alix – wearing a cool pink and black outfit/harness and the most fantastic pink holographic ankle boots by Toes on Point.

11. Molly – wearing a flashy silver sequin wrap crop and skirt with the matching heart-shaped Sunglasses

12. Skoll – Wearing a Striking Leather Harness with the cutest wings at the back & a gas mask.

Then straight into Advanced.
13. Brooke – wearing a beautiful Red Top and shorts, diamante Necklace and Bracelets and White Ankle boots

14. Yuni – Dressed as superwoman, complete with cape.

Followed by our first ever Static division at Miss mPole
15. Cyclone – wearing a sparkly black lace bodysuit and glitter from head to toe.

And wrapping on the competition performances was a smooth flowing performance on Static by 16. Jolie Etoile in a Black sheer Chemise.

Our competition wrapped up by our final feature performance by mPole Instructor and Judge La Bella (17) performing on Static.

In the Miss mPole competition, competitors had to perform three required elements as part of their performance for their division.

Beginners – Kate Moss, Tara & Faith
Intermediate – Spinning Tina, Brady & Carlie
Advanced – Victoria, Allegra & Straight-Leg Venus
Static – Russian Swing, Lacey & Ball Drop

Missing these moves in their performance would cause a point deduction, along with not wearing heels.

Then it was announcements

1st – Peach
2nd – Madie
Equal 3rd – Alana & Niki

Equal 1st – Alix & Molly
3rd – Skoll

1st – Brooke
2nd – Yuni

1st – Cyclone
2nd – Jolie Etoile

Miss mPole 2021 – Highest Point Score for this year’s competition

You can check out Photos from the event on the Miss mPole Facebook Page or visit the Website