Posts Tagged ‘pole dancing. newcastle’

Miss mPole 2021

July 9, 2021

Wow, what a night! As I know, most of you could not attend if you wanted to due to COVID. But it was an entertaining night, even if it was to see me fumble over the task of MCeeing and performing.

But our brave & talented pole students took to the stage with performances they had created, and it was beautiful, inspiring and delightful to be a part of the process.

The Miss mPole Stage is a home stage, competition for mPole Clients by mPole Instructors. This comp provided a performance opportunity for our clients to perform when it was not available to our clients back in 2012. While we haven’t run every year since then, some in our control, some not, it was enriching to see about this year, despite COVIDS best efforts.

And the team at mPole look forward to planning 2022’s event, but until then, let’s talk about Miss mPole 2021.

We opened with a Feature Performance by the mPole Mums, Melissa McKowen, myself (Leeanne Taylor) & Lauren Eccleston. New, Old and Past Instructors who have and will continue to shape our students into the confident women we know they can be both at Pole but in the real world. While our performance didn’t go to plan, it was fun to be up on stage, dressed up, doing something we love.

Following this was our most significant Category, Beginners, in Order of Performance.

1. Alana- in a gorgeous white flowing costume, dancing to Open by Rhye

2. Peach – performing in a black mesh Bodysuit with a black & white Tartan Skirt

3. Katalina – performing in Black Wet look bodysuit with Black Patent Leather Ankle Boots with Red chrome platforms, match her red highlights in her hair.

4. Miss Lyn – Black and Silver holographic Bodysuit and Black patent Leather Ankle Boots

5. Madie – the most outstanding costume on the night. A Yellow Bodysuit creation with Black Platform Heels all featuring Bones and skulls.

6. Niki – performing in a shiny red bodysuit with matching drop-down suspender straps & Red patent leather ankle boots

We close this section with a Feature Pole Performance by our Instructor & Judge Milly Rose (7).

A Demonstration Performance followed this on mPole’s Newest Specialty Pole Lollipop’s by Myself (Leeanne Taylor) (8). Bring us into Intermission so that audience members could take a breath of fresh air.

We opened the 2nd half with another Specialty Performance on Pole – Ribbons with Miss Toni, mPole Instructor (9) and Judge.

Bringing us to the Intermediate Section of Miss mPole 2021
10. Alix – wearing a cool pink and black outfit/harness and the most fantastic pink holographic ankle boots by Toes on Point.

11. Molly – wearing a flashy silver sequin wrap crop and skirt with the matching heart-shaped Sunglasses

12. Skoll – Wearing a Striking Leather Harness with the cutest wings at the back & a gas mask.

Then straight into Advanced.
13. Brooke – wearing a beautiful Red Top and shorts, diamante Necklace and Bracelets and White Ankle boots

14. Yuni – Dressed as superwoman, complete with cape.

Followed by our first ever Static division at Miss mPole
15. Cyclone – wearing a sparkly black lace bodysuit and glitter from head to toe.

And wrapping on the competition performances was a smooth flowing performance on Static by 16. Jolie Etoile in a Black sheer Chemise.

Our competition wrapped up by our final feature performance by mPole Instructor and Judge La Bella (17) performing on Static.

In the Miss mPole competition, competitors had to perform three required elements as part of their performance for their division.

Beginners – Kate Moss, Tara & Faith
Intermediate – Spinning Tina, Brady & Carlie
Advanced – Victoria, Allegra & Straight-Leg Venus
Static – Russian Swing, Lacey & Ball Drop

Missing these moves in their performance would cause a point deduction, along with not wearing heels.

Then it was announcements

1st – Peach
2nd – Madie
Equal 3rd – Alana & Niki

Equal 1st – Alix & Molly
3rd – Skoll

1st – Brooke
2nd – Yuni

1st – Cyclone
2nd – Jolie Etoile

Miss mPole 2021 – Highest Point Score for this year’s competition

You can check out Photos from the event on the Miss mPole Facebook Page or visit the Website

Top 7 Reasons for making it to Pole Club Classes

November 7, 2018

Yes, 6.30am classes aren’t for everyone, but we have 7 reasons why you should give it a go.

1. It’s Cooler, meaning less slippery.

Yes, what better way to beat the summer heat, than by getting up early, when it is much cooler, outside but also in the studio, the poles also haven’t been used overnight, giving them a chance to cool down. Making 6.30am Pole Club Classes perfect for those who struggle with the summer heat & sticking to the pole.

2. Will help keep you consistent

Particularly if your good at talking yourself out of coming to class, doing it first thing in the morning, means getting in an getting it done, before getting on with the day, whereas doing it later in the day means you have a full days’ worth of stuff banking up that you might feel you must achieve, or do first, therefore, your Pole Classes start getting pushed to another day, or not at all.

3. Improve your physical & mental energy

Being activity is a great way to kick start the day, by creating energy that will keep you going all day long. Making you feel alive & ready to take on whatever your day has installed for you. By improving your focus & mental abilities for the entire day.

4. Get better sleep

Yeah getting up early to do Pole Club is tough but will give your body a healthy sense of fatigue at the end of each day, which will be allowing you to enjoy better, longer, deeper sleep of a night. Making you well rested, for doing it all over again the following day.

40933851_10156613677149919_483631584025509888_o5. Improves your self-Discipline

It doesn’t take rocket science to work out that if you can practice self-discipline by getting up early & coming to a Pole Club class, then it will get easier to practice self-discipline in other aspects of your life, such eating better. The great thing about self-discipline it gets easier the more you do it, so the sooner you start doing Pole Club the easier it will become.

6. Achieve goals faster

Something about giving up asleep in, makes us feel like we have made a sacrifice. That sacrifice will, whether we know it or not, makes us subconsciously work harder, so be it lose weight, get fitter, get more flexible achieve that crazy ass move, where you are hanging on by just your knees, you will push harder in Pole Club Classes.

7. Plus it’s fun

Pole Club classes are a standard outline, we focus on obscure moves that often aren’t part of any teaching outline, for loads of reasons, but we pick 4 crazy moves each week to focus our attention one, Monday we learn the Moves, Wednesday we work out if we can whirl them & Fridays we try to find some flow with them. Then its 4 new moves the following week & the best is you can do all 3 classes per week for just $25/week.

Written by Leeanne Taylor




Mindset Matters

May 18, 2018

I know what you’re thinking. Positive thinking, visualizing success, blah blah blah. But seriously, the gurus aren’t far off! When it comes to pole, at least, I can attest to that. With every training session, the attitude you carry through the studio door can make or break your success in that session.

Heading into your training session, try to imagine the moves, transitions and combinations you are hoping to achieve. Picture yourself achieving them, feeling confident and strong. Now keep it realistic, no amount of positive thinking will allow you to safely achieve a move which is far beyond the limits of your current strength and flexibility level. But within reason, a positive mindset will make a remarkable difference to the outcome of all your hard work.

Keeping yourself accountable with a prepared and organized approach to training will also help. If you are training alone, try seeking some advice from your instructor or fellow dancers when planning out your pole goals and training to do lists. Committing yourself to a plan, whether a loose idea of aspirations for the session or a strict set of goals and timelines, will help you stay accountable and avoid hours scrolling Instagram. And in my opinion, a killer playlist is another important key to solo training sessions.

On the other hand, a negative mindset is a hard one to set right. Try as you might, sometimes a bad day is just that, a bad day. Not every training session can be a raging success full of flawless Instagram videos and new tricks and transitions. Sometimes it is more important to celebrate the small wins. Maybe you pointed your toes throughout the entire transition, maybe you managed to breathe and smile throughout a particularly painful move. Whatever the accomplishment, be sure to celebrate and revel in it. Pat yourself on the back for showing up and trying, and endeavour to do better next time. After all, trying our best is all we can expect from ourselves.

Written by Toni Hearn

Common misconceptions to Starting Pole Dancing

March 13, 2018

 You might be thinking…

Prior to starting pole dancing, there are many thoughts that may run through your head, so we thought we would help you bust down some of those misconceptions and clarify just what we do here at one of the cities longest standing pole dance studios, mPole Newcastle.

You might be thinking… “Pole dancers are so sexy, I could never do that”.

Woah girlfriend hold up! First things first, no matter your shape, size, or background, you are sexy as hell in a way that is just uniquely you! Secondly, there is no rule that says pole has to be sexy, just like there is no rule that says it can’t be. Pole dance has come from roots in both the exotic world and the acrobatic, and both sides have their merits. The key is to find the right fit for you, and to do this you simply have to try! We have seen students who are painfully shy bloom into sex kittens when they dance, and girls who are no stranger to a body roll fall in love with the strength and overall fitness benefits of pole dance. Trying a style doesn’t at all mean that you have to stick with it, it simply means you are approaching something new with an open heart and mind, and are pushing your own boundaries, which is such a healthy thing to do! Many studios will tend to sway one way or the other. Some encourage high heels and lingerie, while others prefer barefoot and active wear, and then there are those who meet in the middle, who showcase a little bit of everything and encourage you to rock whichever style you are feeling at the time! It might take a few tries, but you will eventually find your place and will fall head over heels in love with how you feel about yourself!

You might be thinking… “I’m so weak, pole dancers have to be strong”.

Simply not the case! To begin with, most pole dancers start out with very little upper body strength, or if it is there and developing, muscle memory is equally challenging. Don’t forget, pole dance is not a style of movement practised throughout the rest of our lives. This poses a challenge in your initial lessons, but there is nothing more satisfying than looking back at how far you have come, whether in the hour of your first lesson, your first week, your first term or your first year. By gradually immersing yourself in the world of pole and training safely and efficiently, you will see incredible results, both physically and mentally! We always say you don’t have to bring the strength or flexibility, we will help you find that along the way.

You might be thinking… “Wow I can’t wait to be flipping and flying through the air in my first term”

and we can see why you are so excited, but hold your horses, missy! You crawled before you walked, and walked before you ran, and while you may not remember it, you had a ball at each exciting new stage. Pole dance is no different! We will introduce you to some basics to help build strength and familiarity with pole before gently building up to harder tricks and higher heights. That is not to say your teachers will hold you back, however curriculums are in place for a reason, and that reason is you! We care about every student’s health and wellbeing and the last thing we would ever want is to see you injured, not only causing pain and disruption to your life but also forcing you to take time away from your new found passion. There is nothing more heartbreaking, so be sure to bring that enthusiasm, but remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint!

You might be thinking… “I’ll be the worst student this teacher has ever seen”.

This one actually makes me laugh out loud because, in all honesty, a lot of teachers actually struggled so much more when they started training. Many of us are now adept at pinpointing technique issues and troubleshooting because throughout our own pole journeys we have found every single way to fail at a move before finally nailing it. We have all been students. We have all had our own setbacks and mishaps so please, never feel self-conscious on our account. We are so proud of every single achievement you make, no matter how small it seems to you, and are just so thrilled to be helping you find your way to a new passion and strength that we will take the road with you no matter how many bumps there are.

And finally, you might be thinking… “Pole dancers all love to perform and I don’t feel up for that yet, maybe I shouldn’t try”.

While many studios and teachers encourage students to perform or compete, this is generally because they simply love to see you shine up there on stage. However, you would be hard pressed finding a studio who forces students to compete or perform if they don’t want to, and in fact, there is quite the shift towards letting students seek out their own opportunities to compete and perform, rather than steering them towards shows.
From a studio perspective, this means students will be more committed and will enjoy the process far more, not to mention they won’t feel pressured into something they may not have wanted. We know that as you form a bond with your instructors it can be easy to want to impress them and make them proud, but we promise, we are so proud of you each and every day you show up, whether you show up for class, show up for your loved ones or show up in any other way. Every time you push yourself to keep moving forward, whether at pole or in the outside world, we beam with pride, whether you are a stage-loving performer who simply lives to dance or an in-class only poler just looking for a few hours of “me time” each week. We love you all!

So next time you catch yourself thinking any of these things, remember, the only thing standing in your way is you, we are always here to help and are proud of everything you achieve from that first spin around the pole to your first major competition win, and whatever may come in between!



Been thinking about trying something new just for you? mPole has been nurturing beginner pole dancers for over 10 years in Newcastle, making us one of the longest standing studios in the area. We have seen thousands of beautiful women, just like you, take their first leap into a new passion for pole dance and we can’t wait to help you find your place!

We have Pole – Intro classes 4 nights per week at our Tighes Hill main studio, and these are the perfect place to start your journey! With a maximum of 4 students per class, you will receive plenty of one on one attention from our experienced and qualified instructors, to ensure that you have your basic skill set perfected before moving into our beginner’s classes.

Our boutique studio specialises in intimate classes, where every student has the opportunity to work closely with our teachers to perfect their technique and find their own unique style, so get in touch and we will help you find just the right fit, whether you have never tried pole dance before, have a little experience or have had some time off, or are a long-standing pole dancer just looking for change. We can help!

Written by Toni Hearn